- The NTMAEE is free.
- Applicants may only take the NTMAEE once in an Academic Year.
- Examination sites/venues are posted and updated in the NTMA Facebook Page (changes may apply).
- Applicants must NOT be color-blind. The Ishihara Test will be administered by NTMA's accredited medical clinic in Manila to qualified NTMAEE passers (Have an initial assessment, CLICK to take the Ishihara Test).
- Fill out an online application form and print it in a one-page A4 size paper.
- Attach a clear colored photocopy of your valid ID with photo. (You cannot take the exam without this.)
- Hand carry your application form and photocopy of ID to your preferred testing venue. (Blank application forms are available at the testing venue, but it’s best that you come prepared.)
- Bring two sharpened Mongol No.2 pencils with eraser and a black ballpen.
- Read the NTMA Application Form Data Privacy Consent Click Here.